New resources and tools available for SYNERGY members!
The Council of Europe Gender Equality’s unit on Capacity building and Cooperation Projects has developed a large library of guidance documents for the development of policies and legislation to combat violence against women and domestic violence, in line with European standards including the Istanbul Convention.
By Jenna Shearer Demir, Programme Advisor at the Gender Equality Division of the Council of Europe
A thematic list of these resources is available on the resource page of the website for EEA/Norway Grants’ SYNERGY Network against domestic and gender based violence.
Among the newest additions, you will find:
- New guidance documents on preventing violence against women through formal and informal education, and considering intersectionality when working on issues of violence against women
- Awareness raising materials on the Istanbul Convention currently in use throughout Europe
- An analysis and checklist for working on issues of child custody, visitation and domestic violence
- Guidance on coordinated data collection on violence against women and domestic violence
- Recommendations on how to address online and technologically assisted violence against women
- A study on the role of men and boys in women’s rights and gender equality
- Updated promising practice in implementation of the Istanbul Convention
- A database of all GREVIO baseline evaluation reports, comments submitted by Governments, recommendations by the Committee of the Parties, and GREVIO general activity reports
The Council of Europe cooperates with the EEA/Norway Grants as an International Partner Organisation and is the main international partner of the SYNERGY Network.
Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 22:18 CET